Microsoft Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools that will enable you to analyse data and gain insights.  Data is loaded up from Excel or a host of other sources to Power BI where you can create interactive graphs and visuals.  

Power BI Dashboards and Reports can then be shared from the website, via email or published on your own website as I've done here.

The example bubble graph shows the number of gold medals won at the last 5 Olympics plotted against country GDP per capita:

  • The size of the bubble reflects the total medals won

  • Click a bubble to show the progression over the last 5 Games

  • Click the play button at the bottom left to see how things have changed over the last 16 years

  • Pop the page out to full screen using the double headed arrow bottom right

The second page of the report shows the distribution of medals by country, and the third is a graph of medals from the first Olympics in Athens 1896.  

The data came from the Guardian datablog, the Olympics and the World Bank websites.  Excel was used to consolidate the data before importing to Power BI to create the graphs.

It's not the content or the mechanics of producing the report that interests me so much as the fact that you can publish these interactive Power BI reports to your website.  And that Power BI is free.

What's not to like?